Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5

Today, I learned to love, even more deeply than before, the innocence of a child. My brother and I had gone to the park, and I was sitting on a bench reading with my brother's soccer ball beside me. This little boy that was with his grandparents approached me and simply said, "Is that a ball ya got there?" I replied with a happy yes, and to that he said, "Wanna through it to me?" My heart immediately melted and we tossed the ball back and forth for quite a while. As the grandpa was reminding the boy of how to catch a ball, the grandma explained to me that Thomas, I believe, was an only child and never really got to play with other kids. This only made the smile on my face widen. I am very confident that he will go far in this big ole world. I'm very thankful for friendly people like Thomas.

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